About the Pupil Parliament
At Downshall Primary School, all of our pupils play an important part in helping the school achieve its goals. As staff, we value opinions and suggestions from pupils, encouraging them to take responsibility in the part they play at school. After careful consideration, we have set up a Pupil Parliament Team to lead pupil voice. The Pupil Parliament consists of a group of 12 year five and six pupils who each have a role and department as an area of focus.
Our Pupil Prime Minister for 2023-2024 is Jaanya. The team met together for the first time in November 2023 and organised roles and responsibilities which can be seen in the chart above.
The Pupil Parliament Team will focus on three areas this year: environment, learning and inclusion and health and wellbeing. We feel by having three areas of focus, the pupils can work and make positive contribution and change.
The teams will meet weekly to discuss and implement change over time.
What are the aims of our Pupil Parliament?
To ensure pupil voice is implemented at Downshall Primary School.
To represent the voice of our pupils.
To allow pupils to be involved in decision making.
To allow pupils to make positive contribution to our school.
How were pupils selected?
Three nominations were submitted from each Year 5 and Year 6 class. These 18 individuals were asked to write a 100-word speech to deliver in assembly to pupils in Years 4-6. Once pupils heard the speech, they were asked to vote for their most preferred candidate from each year group. The six pupils with the most votes from Year 5 and 6 joined the team. The roles were then decided through discussion and voting. The Pupil Prime Minister and Deputy Pupil Prime Minister roles were decided through a further speech and voting.
What makes our Pupil Parliament effective?
The team is a reasonable size (12 members).
Pupils have been assigned to a department. This will allow them to focus on a key area.
Regular meetings with our supporting adult to allow us to discuss and implement change.