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Subject Leader: Mr Bhatti

Computing Instructor: Mr Ahmed

Topics covered KS1

  • Music composition
  • Coding
  • Animations
  • Photography
  • Communication
  • Film

Topics covered KS2

  • Office
  • Multi-media
  • Graphics and publishing
  • Coding
  • Animations
  • E-safety
  • Advertising
  • Film


Downshall follow the national curriculum and adapt the planning and implementation to achieve the needs of the relevant cohort each year. Our aim is to provide a high-quality computing education which equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.

As the world becomes increasingly rich with technology, pupils learn to create programs, films, music and a range of other content, whilst encouraging them to express themselves and develop their own ideas using the latest apps.  Examples of this in Computing are evident when you look at the coverage across year groups and phases where there is repetition of key concepts so that skills and concepts taught can be built upon year on year and ensure vocabulary taught is understood. 


Downshall DIgital Ambassadors visited the largest Education Technology Exhibition in the world at London's Excel Centre.

"Visiting the Bett Show was amazing.  We explored a range of exhibits and tested new apps, games and devices.  My favourite was coding a robot to navigate around an obstacle course."   Varun (5U)

We met students from Korea, China, Netherlands and USA, who shared how they use technology in their schools.  I tested a VR platform which took you around different settings.  You can add features to make the setting more interesting."  Samit (6O)

The Bett show was so cool!  We played interactive quizzes and games.  It was a fun workout too!  Also, I learned about voice activated 3D printing.   Zayn (4B)

Subject Drivers

  1. To select and use a range of apps & devices to achieve a specific purpose and to communicate ideas.
  2. To understand the function of coding and be able to use a range of coding programs.
  3. To know how to use the internet and social media safely and to question the reliability of of information gathered from the internet.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Document

Please use this link to access our most up to date 3i's document.

National Curriculum

Please use this link to access the National Curriculum Programs of study.

whole school progression of computing knowledge and skills

Please use this link to access this document.

whole school computing curriculum map

Please use this link to access this document.


Pupils across the school took part in a range of workshops and assemblies supporting Internet Safety Week.  KS2 children participated in an Internet Safety workshop which delivered important messages about how to stay safe online and Generative AI while our Digital Ambassadors concluded the week with an assembly highlighting important challenges we face online including scams, viruses and cyber-bullying.


Year 4 pupils visited the Apple Store in Regents Street for a Coding workshop.

"This was the best trip ever.  I created my own avatar and coded a number of features like a background and favourite hobbies."  (Maryum Y4)

"Swift coding was a little bit challenging to use but the instructors were helpful and I produced a really cool final avatar."  (Zayd Y4)

"The Apple store is massive with lots of new devices and apps to explore.  This was the first time I've travelled into Central London."  (Ian Y4)

Subject Display

Afterschool Clubs

Computing clubs every lunchtime for Year 3 and 4.

An extra-curricular after school computing club to learn and apply a range of coding and presentational skills including using scratch, storyboardthat.com and Microsoft.

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