Mathematics at Downshall KEY STAGE 1 AND 2

Subject Leader: Ms Sultana
At Downshall the National Curriculum is the foundation of our mathematics planning at KS1 and KS2. We believe that mathematics plays a vital role in our everyday lives and is a skill for life which pupils take with them as they move to their next stage of education. Our curriculum aims to include all children in their mathematics learning journey so they can all experience a positive and confident attitude towards mathematics. In order to ensure a clear pathway of learning and progression, we have invested in the Maths No Problem scheme to deliver our curriculum.
Maths No Problem supports pupils by using the CPA approach; concrete, pictorial, abstract. This means that the maths ‘can be seen’ through the various structures & resources. This helps pupils to visualise the maths through images and drawings before moving onto the abstract. We aim for children to move fluently between the 3 different ways of representing questions and problems.
Maths Drivers
Practising key facts and developing mathematical fluency is a key part of our curriculum and one of the key drivers. The other maths drivers are:
- To embed the Mastering Number Programme from reception to year 2.
- To implement the times tables, programme in years 3 & 4.
- To teach fluency alongside reasoning and using & applying (problem solving)
- To teach maths using the 5 teaching for mastery principles.
Teaching for Mastery means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.
National Curriculum
Please use this link to access the National Curriculum programs of study.
Topics covered in EYFS
The early years curriculum is based on the Development Matters and the early learning goals (ELG). Children in Nursery are exposed to maths through play-based activities using physical and pictorial resources e.g. number songs, maths table, numbers in sand and water, games and role-play. Reception progress onto:
· Have a deep understanding of numbers to 10, including the composition of each number;
Explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally
· Subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 5;
· Automatically recall of number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts.
Verbally count beyond 20, recognising the pattern of the counting system;
· Compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other quantity
Programme of study KS1
Number & place value
Number – addition & subtraction
Number – multiplication & division
Number – fractions
Geometry – properties of shape
Geometry – position & direction
Programme of study KS2
New areas of learning are in italics:
Number & place value
Number – addition & subtraction
Number – multiplication & division
Number – fractions
Geometry – properties of shape
Geometry – position & direction
Statistics – introduced in year 3
Fractions including decimals – introduced in year 4
Fractions of decimals and percentages – introduced in year 5
Ratio & Proportion – introduced in year 6
Algebra – introduced in year 6
Quotes from pupil ambassadors
Umar (Year 3)
“If you don’t learn maths, you won’t know anything. When you are an adult, you need the knowledge of maths, if you are a builder or shopkeeper.”
Karun (Year 4)
“I like maths because I like working out calculations and it’s fun. I like explaining and proving my answers. Before I used to write brief answers, now I explain more.”
Aizah (Year 5)
“One of my favourite things in maths is multiplication. It is fun working out the answer to see if it’s correct or not. When I make a mistake, I like to figure out the actual answer. Year 4 will help me when I go to year 5.”
Samit (Year 6)
“I like the variety of problems in maths, like puzzles where you have clues to get the answer. I also like using the bus stop method in division. Maths will help you to get a job.”
Afiya (Year 6)
“I enjoy the more challenging questions in maths, the ones which require an explanation. Recently we have been learning about angles, there’s a lot to learn. I’ve learnt how to use a protractor and calculate angles. I think the maths I learn in year 6 will prepare me for year 7
Subject Displays
Progression in Number - Early Years to Year 3
Progression in number - Years 4 to 6
Mastering Number Programme using the Rekenrek
In early years and KS1, the national DfE ‘Mastering Number Programme’ is in its second year. The programme aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from reception through to year 1 and 2. It involves children using a small abacus-like piece of equipment called a Rekenrek which helps to develop fluency and flexibility with number facts which in turn supports pupil’s mental calculations.
Eshaal (Year 3) - “I use it to solve maths problems. It helps me to learn my number bonds.”
5+5=10, 7+3=10, I need to add 6 to 4 to make 10.
Rares (Year 3) - “It helps me with doubles and halves. Double 8 is 16.”
Times tables Programme
The times table programme is implemented in year 3. By the end of year 4 children should know all their times tables up to 12 x 12. On a daily basis, pupils work through booklets which test their multiplication and the related division facts. In the summer term of year 4, children sit the Multiplication Times Table Check (MTC) to assess their knowledge and see if they have met the expected standard.
Times Tables Rock Stars is a maths learning platform used to put the fun into learning and recalling the times tables. Pupils have really enjoyed the fun and interactive games and it has really helped to boost their confidence.
Humayera (Year 5)
“When I first did my times tables, I felt nervous because I didn’t know many. Since practising every day, I have improved a lot. I never used to know my 8 & 9 times tables, now I do. I practised at school and at home.
I so was so excited to use TTRS. I enjoyed it and it helped me to learn my tables in a fun way. There lots of fun activities and you can play against your class mates!”
Pupil Support
Maths interventions are put in place to support those pupils who need to close gaps in their learning. Pupils develop number confidence and fluency through repeated maths practice.
Year 2 pupil
“I can read larger numbers now. I know about odd and even numbers”.
Year 2 pupil
“I don’t need to count the dots now, I just know the number. I use the number line as well.”
Year 3 pupil
“It has helped me because when I go back into class, I know all the answers. I now know all the addition & subtraction facts of 10!”
Parent Workshops
Parent workshops run throughout the year and aim to inform parents on how maths is taught at Downshall and how to support their child at home.
Parent Quote:
Links to useful websites
BBC Bitesize Resources:
Early years:
Top marks:
White Rose 1-minute maths also available as an app
Corbettmaths Primary – Primary 5-a-day, videos, worksheets and more
Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (
Times tables games - Learn them all here!
Examples of Learning
Year 2:
Year 3:
Year 4:
Year 5:
Year 6: