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Subject Leader: Ms Bassi


Downshall Primary School follows the national curriculum and adapts the planning and implementation to achieve the needs of the relevant cohort each year.

Using the Cornerstones pedagogy of Engage, Develop, Innovate and Express, first quality teaching ensures that the key skills and knowledge are taught memorably to enable learning to be transferred to long term memory.

The aim of the history curriculum is for children to be able to make meaningful connections between what is being learnt now and what has come before to ensure that the skills and knowledge are transferred into the long-term memory. A high-quality history education will help children gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It should inspire pupil’s curiosity to know more about the past. The four cornerstones pedagogy will help develop all children into confident historians.

Subject Drivers

The subject drivers are what underpin the curriculum that we provide for our pupils and these are embedded within the subjects that we teach. These 'Subject Drivers' are fundamental to our whole school curriculum and all subjects are planned with these in mind.

The History subject drivers for pupils at Downshall is to:

  • Develop a good sense of chronology
  • Understand how we find out about the past using historical sources of evidence.

National Curriculum

Please use this link to access the National Curriculum programs of study.

Our Curriculum Subject Vision Document

Please use this link to access our most up to date Curriculum Policy document. Please follow this link to access our most up to date Skills and Knowledge progression grid.

Year Group

Autumn Term

Spring term

Summer Term


Me and My Community.

Starry Night



Let’s Explore

Long Ago



Childhood - Toys


Geography Focus 

Key Stage 1

School Days


Movers Shakers

Magnificent Monarchs 


Through the Ages

Emperors and Empires



Ancient Civilisations


Ground Breaking Greeks

Dynamic Dynasties



Britain at War

Quotes from Pupil Ambassadors

“I enjoy History because I get to use different resources to find out about the past” - Henry 4AS

“I liked learning about the stone age as I found out people didn’t have a lot of things and they had to hunt for their food.” - Sharan 3G

“I think History is a good subject because it teaches you about how other people lived in the past and I liked putting them on to the timeline.” - Umar 2B


We have a range of exciting trips every year that link to our History learning.


  • Grandparents come to talk about their childhood experiences. 

Year 1

  • Ragged Museum

Year 2

  • Florence Nightingale, Westminster Abbey

Year 3

  • Natural History Museum.

Year 4

  • British Museum.

Year 5

  • Globe Theatre

  • Iliad Project Groundbreaking Greeks

Year 6 

  • Museum of London Docklands, History Museum.

subjects dISPLAYS

Links to helpful websites

Examples of learning

In Year 2 children have been creating timelines to develop understanding of chronology:

In Year 3 children learnt about the different tools that were used in the Stone age and they had a go at making their own axes:

In Year 4 children have been using artefacts to help develop their knowledge of how historians gather their evidence:

As part of their topic Maafa, Year 6 children were encouraged to use ABC (Agree, Build, Challenge) when discussing different primary sources within their groups. Children had to think critically about their evidence and whether the primary sources prove or disprove a historically valid idea:

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