Subject Leader: Ms Assi
We offer a relevant, broad and vibrant curriculum that will inspire and excite our pupils through a wide variety of topics and themes. We use the Language Angels suite of resources to ensure expert support in the teaching of Spanish. We aim for all pupils to be willing and able to continue studying languages beyond key stage 2.
Over the next three years the content will be continuously updated and reviewed annually, so that the foreign language knowledge of our pupil’s progresses within each academic year and is extended year upon year.
Subject Leaders
The three pillars of language learning are phonics, grammar and vocabulary, which are built into all lessons and units.
The four key language learning skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing will be taught and all necessary grammar will be covered in an age-appropriate way across KS2. Our teaching will also reflect our diverse pupil community for whom Spanish will be their third or fourth language.
National Curriculum
Please use this link to access the National Curriculum programmes of study.
An outline of units covered throughout KS2
*Core Vocabulary lessons cover; Classroom Commands; Colours; Days Of The Week; Maths Calculations; Month Of The Year; Numbers 1 - 100.
Links to helpful websites
Home school login:
Username: la2023spanish
Password: la2023spanish
Examples of Learning
“I think it is fun learning a new language and how other people communicate. I like the pronunciation videos and the games help me learn. It was interesting to learn about the country. Spain looks amazing and I would visit if I had the chance.”
Isha 4As