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Reception 2025

For all children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, parents/carers must apply for a reception place if they want them to start school in the academic year September 2025/2026. 

The national closing date for on time reception applications is midnight on the 15th January 2025.

The national offer date for on time reception applicants is 16th April 2025.

Reception & In-Year Admissions

The Redbridge Admissions Team manage the application process on behalf of Downshall Primary School; alongside most other schools in Redbridge.  Should you wish to apply for our Reception or want to move your child from another school to Downshall you must apply following the Admissions process set out at https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/schools/school-admissions/

Once the LA has advised us you have accepted the place, we will contact you to arrange a visit.

Should you require assistance with the application process or have any queries please contact Mrs Walker on 020 8590 2157.


Nursery Admissions

Please email the school regarding Nursery admissions at admin.downshall@redbridge.gov.uk or contact the main office on 0208 590 2157 for further information.  Alternatively, please complete the Nursery Application Form and return to the school office with a copy of your child's birth certificate.  For more information click here to view the Nursery Admissions Booklet.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Admissions

For SEND applications, you will need to contact the SEN Team.
Email: senteam@redbridge.gov.uk


Please note Downshall has adopted the local Redbridge admission arrangements at present. We keep this under review to ensure it best serves our local community. A copy of the agreed admission arrangements can be found by clicking here.

Secondary School Admissions

Parents of pupils in Year 6 should check the London Borough of Redbridge Secondary admissions website at www.eadmissions.org.uk/eAdmissions/app or telephone Secondary admissions on 02087083562

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