Music Introduction
Subject Leader: Ms Siddiqui
Downshall Primary School follow the National Curriculum and adapt the planning and implementation to achieve the needs of the relevant cohort each year.
Using the four cornerstones pedagogy, first quality teaching ensures that the key skills and knowledge are taught memorably to enable learning to be transferred to long term memory.
National Curriculum
Please use this link to access the National Curriculum programs of study.
Our Curriculum Subject Vision Document
Subject Drivers
Whilst in school, children have opportunities to forge their own musical journey, which allows them to discover areas of strength, as well as areas they might like to improve upon. Music allows children to access their own fundamental abilities such as: achievement, self-confidence, interaction with and awareness of others, and self-reflection. Children develop in confidence as their skills improve. Singing and music making opportunities are used frequently to embed learning, develop musical awareness and to demonstrate how music can be used to express feelings. Children are creative, independent, as well as demonstrate a sense of pride in their work. They recognise how to sensitively respond to others when offering evaluations of their work. Children are given the opportunity to participate in performances in front of an audience to show case their skills.
We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community, and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts.
Music is one of the seven areas of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage. In this specific area of learning children explore their own imagination and creativity and learn how to create using different materials and tools.
Please see below table showing some of the prerequisite skills that children explore in the Early Years to help prepare them for the national curriculum:
Units Covered Year 1 to Year 6
Quotes from children
‘Music is fun. I liked using my own instrument in the piece. It was amazing that we could play Ukelele’ (year 3)
‘Music is fun. It’s about understanding and learning and playing instruments’ Zara (Year4)
‘Music is loud because we all play together.’ ‘Music is good because it makes you feel like you’re in a different world’ Abubakar (year 5)
Year 4 attended the New Vision Trust Music Festival,
Year 6 – alternative opportunities eg History of Hip Hop, Electronic Dance Performance
Early Years Nursery Rhyme Week