Subject Leader: Ms Raja
Although teaching the entire scope of PSHE is not a statutory requirement for Primary Schools in England, the subject makes a vital contribution to areas where schools do have a duty. The Education Act (2002) requires that we provide our children with a broad and balanced curriculum that “meets the needs of all pupils”.
“High quality, evidence-based and age-appropriate teaching of these subjects can help prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. They can also enable schools to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, at school and in society.”
Department for Education (DfE)
At Downshall, using the Jigsaw, first quality teaching scheme, ensures that the key skills and knowledge are taught memorably to enable learning to be transferred to long term memory. We adapt planning and implementation to achieve the needs of the relevant cohort each year.
“Jigsaw holds children at its heart, and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw equips schools to deliver engaging and relevant PSHE within a whole-school approach. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.”
Subject Drivers
The core subject aspects are taught specifically and are revisited regularly so that the children understand the essence of the subject. Jigsaw PSHE will support the development of the skills, attitudes, values and behaviour, which enable pupils to:
• Understand self-identity and self-purpose
• Value self and others
• Identify and form healthy relationships
• Make and act on informed decisions
• Communicate effectively
• Work with others; collaborate
• Respond to challenge; resilience and perseverance
• Take responsibility for future outcomes
• Be active citizens within the local community
• Explore issues related to living in a democratic society
• Become healthy and fulfilled individuals
The Six Puzzles (Themes/Units of work)
There are six Puzzles in Jigsaw (quickly identified by their colour scheme) designed to progress in sequence from the beginning of each academic year:
Term 1: Being Me in My World
Term 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)
Term 3: Dreams and Goals
Term 4: Healthy Me
Term 5: Relationships
Term 6: Changing Me
Each Puzzle has six Pieces (lessons) which work towards an ‘end product’, for example, The School Learning Charter or The Garden of Dreams and Goals.
Each Piece has two Learning Intentions: one is based on specific PSHE learning and the other based on emotional literacy and social skills development.
The whole school works on the same Puzzle at the same time, meaning that each Puzzle can be launched with a whole-school assembly and learning can be celebrated by the whole school in a meaningful way.
- to be aware of your thoughts and feelings as they arise
- to be able to focus your mind on what you choose to focus it on both outside of you and within you.
Thoughts and feelings motivate and determine behaviours. If we are caught up in thoughts and feelings and are not aware of them as they happen, the responses that follow may not be under our control, and may not be in our best interest or appropriate in the situation.
If a child can be aware of their thoughts and feelings as they arise and have been taught and practised how to use interventions e.g. breathing (Calm Me) techniques, they can choose to regulate their thoughts and feelings by using these interventions. They can effectively press the ‘pause’ button and consider whether to allow that chain of thoughts to continue or to change its direction, thus potentially choosing the behaviour that will be motivated by it.
If thoughts and feelings are left unchecked they will lead to actions (e.g. fight/ flight/freeze responses), and some of these may not be conducive to learning either for the child or their classmates.
Mindful children can more readily choose their responses to situations rather than react while caught up in the thought-flows and emotions, saving behaviour issues from happening, helping concentration and lessening stress and anxiety.
In Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, mindfulness is developed in 3 main ways:
a) through the ‘Calm Me’ time in each lesson. This consists of breathing techniques, awareness exercises and visualisations, enabling children to quieten their minds and become aware of the activity.
b) through the taught curriculum. Lessons help children to explore their thoughts and feelings, to expand their emotional vocabulary, explore thoughts-feelings-consequence sequences, build their confidence and express themselves in a safe environment.
c) through the ‘Pause Points’ in lessons, which ask children to ‘Stop and look inside’ to practise observing their thoughts and feelings relating to what they are learning about in that lesson.
Government Gudance
Please use the links below to access more information about PSHE and RSE from the DfE..
Our Curriculum Subject Vision Document
Please use this link to access our most up to date Subject Vision document.
Please use this link to access our most up to date Snap Shot Overview
Please use this link to access; How does the Jigsaw 3-11 meet the Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) Early Learning Goals?
Please use this link to access; What is Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE (ages 3-11)? A guide for parents and carers
Jigsaw is eager to support schools in seeing how the Jigsaw materials contribute to government agendas.
The Relationships and Changing Me Puzzles have a strong safeguarding focus in particular, obvious to teachers but not necessarily so explicit to children. Our philosophy is to grow resilience and positive self- esteem and confidence in children, so they can recognise when they feel uncomfortable in a situation and know who to trust and how to speak up for help. They respect themselves and their bodies and know what healthy relationships feel like.
There may be some issues that some schools feel they do not yet need to include in their universal PSHE curriculum, but others do, e.g. FGM and sexuality issues. In this case, we, at Downshall, adapt and add specific lesson plans to meet needs of all the pupils.
Teachers are aware that sometimes disclosures may be made during Jigsaw lessons in which case, safeguarding procedures are followed immediately; in line with our school policy. Sometimes it is clear that certain children may need time to talk one-to-one after the lesson closes. It is important we allow the time and appropriate staffing for this to happen.
At Downshall, we take children’s safety and well-being very seriously, trying to empower them to speak up and get help if needed and to know how to keep themselves safe. Teachers often assess their lessons and ask the children to draw a Jigsaw Friend with either a smiley face/ neutral face/ unhappy face at the end of each Jigsaw lesson in their Jigsaw Journal. The teacher can then ascertain if any children are feeling worried or concerned about the lesson and follow this up with specific children if needed.
Examples of enrichment activities planned by our amazing teachers:
Set up role play area related to our topics, such as, home corner, vet surgery, school; Dreams and Goals unit
Plant and care for sunflowers, observe caterpillars turning into butterflies, and eggs hatching; Changing Me unit
Make sandwiches and set up different activities outdoors to exercise; Healthy Me unit
Create artwork/displays to promote key messages; across all units
We create class recipes books to promote healthy eating; Healthy Me unit
We create whole class presentations to celebrate how special we all are; Being Me in My World unit
Role play scenarios to open up debates and discussions on important issues.
Create artwork to promote key messages.
Collaborate in groups to create a presentation for the whole class/year group; these lessons and skills are planned and taught across all units
Quotes from Pupil
Year 1:
"I like Jigsaw because we get to learn about Lila and the Secret of Rain and other good books. It’s about being happy and sad." - Zaid (1B)
Year 2:
"Jigsaw is about how to be kind and about friendly relationships. Also, I learnt about dreams and goals – it is my goal to have a successful life." - Zayn (2K)
Year 3:
"I enjoy relaxing time – we breath in and we breath out, it helps me to relax and imagine what we are learning next." - Harvir (3J)
Year 4:
"We do fun activities and learn how to be good and kind to each other. We learn lots of new vocabulary as well." - Tabina (4U)
Year 5:
"I like that PSHE is expressive and hands on, and not just lots of writing – it is experimental. It helps us learn different situations and I’ve understood new vocabulary, such as aspirations, and what this means to me in my world." - Jason (5S)
Year 6:
"Calm Me relaxes my mind. PSHE has helped me understand others in the world don’t have access to the things we do. It makes me reflect and feel grateful for the life I have." - Zainab (6A)
Examples of Learning
Links to helpful Websites
The PSHE association:
BBC Bitesize:
Challenging stereotypes:
Online safety:
Mental health:
Parents Mental Health Support | Advice for Your Child | YoungMinds
Say hello to our JIGSAW Friends