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Reception 2025 Open DAYS Taking Place On 15th November & 16th December AT 1.30pm

Click here to watch a short film about our wonderful School

We hope you find this website a useful introduction to our school.  

At Downshall we are committed to offering all our pupils the best start in life.  The pupils are at the centre of all we do and everyone is encouraged and challenged to reach their full potential.

We work together to maximise the potential of all pupils and we respect and celebrate each other's differences.

Our ethos of self-evaluation ensures the school is constantly striving for the highest possible standards.  This is reflected in the excellent outcomes our pupils achieve by the time they reach Year 6, securing them continued success in the next stage of their education.

We provide an engaging curriculum that prepares our pupils for life, learning and living.  This, together with a wide range of extra-curricular activities, makes our pupils' education at Downshall a memorable and enriching experiencing.

Mr Ian Bennett

"Downshall is a happy and calm school where pupils work hard and have very positive attitudes"   (Ofsted)

The 'Guardian' recommends Downshall Primary School

In an article entitled 'Where to move for good Primary schools, the Guardian newspaper wrote: "Why not choose a primary that feels just right? Like Downshall Primary School in Essex".  CLICK HERE to view the article

Winners of King Charles’ Coronation competition

Downshall Primary School took part in a national design competition, in celebration of the Coronation. The competition was an opportunity for pupils to mark the King's Coronation in the form of an original art creation/design. The brief was to design a new Official State Mode of Transport; that should be “fit for the future’’

The children really enjoyed participating in the competition and showed just how creative and imaginative they are. We are proud to share with our parents that four children from Downshall had won this competition through their innovative and unique designs. The four children are Aida 6M, Azrin 6M, Maryum 3PB & Zayd-Akbar 3PB.

“For the ‘Vehicle fit for the Future’ competition, I designed a solar-powered glider for King Charles III. I am proud of my drawing skills but didn’t expect to win. I was delighted to be one of the winners and can’t wait to see my design in an exhibition!”– Azrin 6M

"I designed a wind and solar-powered land vehicle for King Charles. Before my teacher revealed the winners, I had no idea it might be me. When I think of the exhibition, I am getting quite excited. It will be a great experience!" - Aida 6M

"I liked being able to create a vehicle like nothing I had ever seen before. I thought about putting a windmill on it and also a England flag too because I thought the King would like that." - Zayd 3PB

"I was excited to try something new and use my imagination. I couldn't believe it when I won. I feel so proud that my work is now going to be displayed for people to see." - Maryum 3PB

To view our winners' art work on LGFL's official website, please click here

Winners of Valentines Mansion Competition

In April 2023, we received a leaflet for the Valentines Mansion poetry competition. I was super excited because I love writing poems! As soon as I got home, I couldn’t wait to start my poem. I immediately began researching all I could find out about Valentines Mansion. I was ecstatic when I discovered a multitude of information. After all my research was complete, I began writing my poem. The words flowed naturally to me because I knew exactly what I wanted to write. I sent it off via email as soon as I could. In mid-June 2023, I received an email to say that I had been invited to the ceremony where the winners were to be announced. On Thursday 29th June 2023, we received certificates for our entries and read our poems out to children in Year 4-6. I think it’s really important to take part in things that interest you and it’s not always about winning. - Zainab J 6A

To view Zainab's winning entry, please click here

To view Aiman's winning entry, please click here

To view Jaanya's winning entry, please click here

Winners of Young Writers Competition

This term we celebrated our writing success in assembly. Year Six were given an opportunity to enter two competitions with Young Writers: The Magic Door and A Twist in the Tale. It was really exciting that my entry was selected to be published in the final books. We were all very pleased when we received our certificates. I feel very proud of my achievement and it has enabled me to gain confidence in my writing. My advice to others would be to always try your best and get out of your comfort zone. You never know when you’ll find an opportunity that inspires you to do even better! – Harman 6A

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